Luminous solar charge controller 6 Amp, 12 volts
with one year Warranty
Rs. 600/-
Product Summary
Luminous solar charge controller 6 Amp, 12 volts is used to convert Normal Inverter battery into solar Solutions. It is used to charge the battery using solar panels. The other use of a solar charge controller is to run the DC load. USB Mobile charger Output.
Luminous Solar Charge Controllers are PWM-based controllers with 98% efficiency. It has a USB charging Option for mobile charging. It comes with Electronic & Software controlled protections.
Panel Support: up to 125 watts
Product Features
- USB port which gives you the flexibility of charging your DC devices like Mobile phones directly without the use of an adapter.
- Fuse less electronic & software-controlled protections
- PWM-based technology and supports up to 125-watt panels on a Single Battery.
- Inbuilt low voltage disconnect & 20% extra power than the rated capacity
Applications: Homes and Small Shops
Products: Retrofits and Charge Controllers
Solutions: DC Systems, Upgrade to Solar Solutions
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